I lecture about once a year on several issues related to analytical psychology, such as the archetypal wounds in adults with learning disabilities, the structure and nature of the psyche, dreams and dream work.
- “Sphere an Overview of The Psyche”, May 11, 2019. Presented at The CG Jung Study Center of Southern California. May 11, 10 am – 1pm.
- Webinar: Anatomy of The Psyche Edward Edinger. A reading seminar CE’s provided. April through June.
- “Introduction to Dreams” to Friends of Jung – San Diego, November 2014
- Most Recent in May 2014: “Sphere – An Overview of The Psyche”
- “Jung and Analytical Psychology in our Culture”
- “Ball and Game – The Religious Function of The Psyche”
- “The Learning Disabled Psyche”
- “Dreams and Learning Disabilities in Adults”
- “The Anatomy of Dreams”
- C.W. Volume 5 – Symbols of Transformation and The Birth of Analytical Psychology